Domain settings

Global domain settings

You can configure the global domain options in the Domains tab at Configuration () > System Settings > General Settings

Some of these settings need a particular attention when using our registrar module.

Nameservers management

Default nameservers defined here will be used by default for every domain name during the order process.

Given that some of our services such as DNS service, email forwarding and web forwarding need domain names to use our nameservers, it is important to define the correct ones according to the services you want to offer.

  • If you only use Netim module for your domain names, and if you want to use our DNS name servers, you can set,, or your white label ones.
  • If you use several domain registrar modules, it is a bit more complicated as you can only define a set of default nameservers. If you provide your own DNS service or a third party one, we made available the source code so that you can implement the corresponding API with our module.

Contacts management

As you know, a domain name has a registrant, an administrative contact, a technical contact and a billing contact. 

The registrant is defined during the order process with the client by default, an existing registrant or new information.

Concerning contacts, they can’t be defined during the order process. That’s why a setting is made available for this.

  • If “Use Clients Details” is ticked, we will use client’s details for theses contacts. Then your client will be defined by default for them at the registry and disclosed into Whois data.
  • If “User Clients Details” is not ticked, we will use the information as follow (and in this order) for theses contacts:
    • The contact information provided if the first and last name are filled in
    • Otherwise the contact ID defined in the module configuration file with variable $netim_default_contact_id. You can them define the contact ID of your choice
    • Otherwise your reseller ID

Module domain settings

Our module introduces special settings that can be defined in the module configuration file in the module directory.

Trustee and local contact services

Unfortunately, these services are not options or addons that can be defined and sold in WHMCS. (We hope …)

We tried to integrate these services as much as possible. Both use the same kind of settings:

  • $netim_trustee_service for the trustee service
  • $netim_local_service for the local contact service

These variables are an array of elements which each of them define a rule as follows:

  • extensions array
    List of extensions on which the rule apply.
  • contactID string
    The contact ID used by Netim.
    It is by default a predefined Netim contact ID but you can define your own if your want to provide the service yourself.
  • countries array
    List of countries.
    If the registrant’s country (for trustee) or the administrative contact’s country (for local contact) is not in the list, the rule is matched.
  • force boolean
    Indicate whether the rule is enabled or not.

For example for trustee service in Brazil, the service will be used if the extension is one of / AND if the registrant’s country in not “BR” AND “force” is set to true.

For example for local contact service in Japan, the service will be used if the extension is .jp AND if the admin’s country in not “JP” AND “force” is set to true.

Messages in the admin notes

It is possible to define the way results are added in the domain admin notes for a best follow up. By default set to true, you can desactivate with the false value.

  • Shall we record result generated during a domain registration into the admin notes ?
  • Shall we record result generated during a domain transfer into the admin notes ?
  • Shall we record result generated during a domain renewal into the admin notes ?

Available features

Some features can be disabled in client area with $netim_feature_support. 
Set to true or false accordingly

  • dnssec
    The management page in the client area will be displayed or not. However, the management of dnssec will still be possible in the admin area
  • eppcode
    If set to false, the customer will not be able to get the authorisation code in the client area. Rather, a message is displayed asking him to contact you.

  • dns_management
    The DNS host record management in the client area will be displayed or not. This is usefull if you use a third party addon / provider rather Netim’s DNS serviceÂ