
Domain names

Domain synchronization is performed by WHMCS cron job.

Nevertheless, WHMCS does not know the result of all operations, especially those that are processed asynchronously. Synchronization of asynchronous operations must therefore be handled separately.

When the case occurs, the module records the operation in pending state in the table “netim_mod_async” of your local WHMCS’ database. Then the synchronization script “netim_opesync.php” is executed to check and process all pending operations.

You must schedule the script to be executed for example every 10 minutes.

For example under linux, edit your crontab and add the following line

*/10 * * * * php /path_to_whmcs_directory/modules/registrars/netim/netim_opesync.php

For particular cases, you can call the script manually in your web browser the following URL:


In the module 2.x, transaction numbers were recorded in the “subscription Id” field of the domain. It is not longer the case in version 3.0

Automatic pricing updater

If you want to update your prices automatically according to your default margin settings in the Netim Tld Manager addons, you must schedule the script to be executed for example once a day. It is really not needed to executed it more often but ensure to proceed before the cron job of the monitoring widget.

For example under linux, edit your crontab and add the following line to schedule at 5 A.M.

0 5 * * * php /path_to_whmcs_directory/modules/addons/netim_tld_manager/crons/netim_tld_pricing_updater.php

Monitoring widget

If you want to activate and display the monitoring widget on your admin home page, you must schedule the script to be executed for example once a day. It is really not needed to executed it more often. 

For example under linux, edit your crontab and add the following line to schedule at 6 A.M.

0 6 * * * php /path_to_whmcs_directory/modules/addons/netim_tld_manager/crons/netim_tld_monitoring.php