Download registrar module

Download the Netim Registrar module

Our module is not included by default into WHMCS’s distribution. You will need to download and install it manually.

Current release

For PHP 7.4 to 8.1 / Ioncube 12

Registrar module 3.3.3 (September 09th 2024)

For PHP 7.4 to 8.2 / Ioncube 13

Registrar module 3.3.3 (September 09th 2024)

Other releases

Latest previous version

Registrar module 3.2

Release notes

This version is a maintenance release for V3.3

Bug fixes

  • Bad interpretation of the status NOT AVAILABLE, PREMIUM in the availability lookup if Netim is set as the lookup provider. Such domain names were displayed as available whereas it is not the case.
  • Fix some character replacements to be compliant with our API


  • In the client area, the DNS Host record management feature can now be disabled . This is useful if you don’t use Netim’s nameservice.
    See domain settings 
  • In the client area, the feature to get the EPP code can now be disabled with a message: “To get the EPP code, please contact the administrator.”
    See domain settings 
  • New action in the admin area in order to execute a domain sync

This version is a maintenance release for V3.3

Bug fixes

  • The custom admin directory is taken into account in the Monitoring Widget
  • “Error fetching HTTP headers” errors  occured randomly on API calls


  • Error management when connecting to the API. Some feedbacks were reported when the API is not available causing WHMCS to freeze, especially when our widgets are activated on the admin  homepage.
  • Email notifications to customers for asynchronous operations.
    When a request on a domain name is asynchronous, the result is managed by the cron job netim_ope_sync.php. Now, email notifications are sent to customer once the result is known.
  • The widget for monitoring, introduced in v 3.2, can now take in charge extensions based on a setting.

Bug fixes

  • Some bug fixes on the new Widget Monitoring
  • Some bug fixes on the Netim Tld Manager addon

This version brings new features and improvements from previous version 3.1


  • New cron job to update automatically prices with NETIM TLD Manager. It is now possible to apply your default margin periodically with a script.
  • New monitoring widget to display the configuration errors, prices errors and notify new module version availability. It comes with a new cron job to perform all checks every day.
  • The version of the module is now displayed in the module list
  • New pricing calculation method available in NETIM TLD Manager. It is now possible to calculate the prices with a margin based on the selling price (as before) or based on the buying price.
  • Best support of translations and full support of Spanish for the registrar module, the addons and the widgets.
  • Support of DNSsec for external keys thanks to a new template

This version is a maintenance release for V3.1

Bug fixes

  • Widgets generate the following PHP error:
    Call to undefined function Netim\\Core\\getApiLang() in /mnt/nas/
  • The module version number is now displayed in the module list
  • Netim Tld manager, In check Tld settings feature, detection of extensions assigned to Netim even though they are not managed in order to avoid errors on save.

This version is a maintenance release for V3.1

Bug fixes

  • Hooks are not fired anymore. Move of the hook file to the module directory as hooks.php
    We suggest to remove the old file /includes/hooks/netim.php

This version is a maintenance release for V3.1

Bug fixes

  • Table creation error concerning mod_netim_tld_manager when trying to enable the Netim Tld Manager addon whereas the table already exists. This table can be created separately when using the module such as the TLD import feature

This version is a maintenance release for V3.1

Bug fixes

  • Nameservers are now correctly returned when calling the DomainGetNameservers API function
  • Registrar lock status is now correctly returned when calling the DomainGetLockingStatus API function

This version is a maintenance release for V3.1


  • New script check_login.php to check if your credentials are correct in order to connect NETIM’s API
  • New file categories.json which defines our ccTLD’s in geographical categories
  • Addition of Trustee service support for Venezuela
  • All API requests are now considered as asynchronous if the processing delay is over 25 sec. (10 seconds by default). This new value helps to avoid asynchronous request as much as possible.

Bug fixes

  • When there is an upgrade from module v2.6 to v3.1, the migration of pending request from subscription_id to table mod_netim_async checkes if the ID is an integer.
  • At domain registration or transfert, the request doesn’t fail anymore even if the whois privacy management fails.
  • Some fixes in the SOAP client API

This version is a maintenance release for V3.0
Thanks for early adopters and their numerous reports or remarks ! 


  • The DNSsec support can now be disabled in order to prevent the display of the corresponding management page in the client area.
  • Full support of Spanish in domain additional fields, Netim Tld Manager, client and admin area.

Bug fixes

  • Additional fields were always displayed in english whatever was the user language.
  • The management of states / areas in whois management has been reviewed and updated. WHMCS supports states as an input fields instead of a dropdown list. Thus, the value provided has to be normalized in order to conform with our API and the expected values.
  • Some users got missing labels (not translated) in the widgets. The management of translations has been reviewed and updated.
  • Issue in Netim Tld Manager when the account’s password had the special character &
  • Issue in Netim Tld Manager when getting the extension’s raw data from Netim. A special character generated a SQL error.
  • Some corrections to prevent PHP 8.1 errors
  • Some corrections to prevent PHP 7.2 errors

This release is a major update of the module. It has been fully rewritten to use new core librairies and conform to our new development policy.

For existing users of v2.x, please pay attention to the red highlighted changes which need actions on your end!

General improvements

  • New management of asynchronous operations
    “Subscription ID” field in domain name management is not used anymore. Rather, asynchronous operations are stored in the local database and updated thanks to the synchronization script.
    Existing users have nothing to do as the script will migrate operations stored with the old method. More information concerning pending requests and templates.
  • New management of additional domain fields
    The definition of the fields has changed to a json file (with new translations). Existing users have to check their translations if they have customized them.
  • Support of the domain lookup provider feature with support of premium domains. See Domain availability check.
  • New domains will get the “Pending registration” status rather than “Pending” one. In case of registration failure, it will get back the “Pending” status by default. 
  • New configuration method for the trustee service and the local contact service
    For existing users, check your existing settings with the new definition.
  • New parameters for debugging management
    The management of logs has been reviewed in order to facilitate the debugging. See Enable Debugging.
  • When the subscription period for a transfer order is more than 1 year, the request submission fails. Netim’s system support only 1 year for domain transfer requests.
  • The hook file /includes/hooks/netim.php is no longer ioncube encoded.
  • Nameservers change can be done with glue record. Provide for exemple

Improvements the client area

  • New customer template “twenty-one” in order to display messages to clients on asynchronous operations.
    For existing users using other template or custom one, merge our changes in your active template. More information concerning pending requests and templates. 
  • Full translation of the module for client area and templates
    For existing users, ensure to translate in your languages if not English or French.
    More information concerning installation of translations.
  • New service management for DNSSec. A new option/screen is displayed in the client area.

Improvements the admin area

  • Full translation of the module, “Netim Tld Manager” addon, widgets for admin area.
    For existing users, translate only if needed. More information concerning installation of translations.
  • Addition of pending / cancelled / failed operations in the todolist was reviewed.
  • On the domain management page.
    • Pending requests are now displayed as a table under “Domain Reminder History”
    • When the domain is in pending registration or pending transfer status, it is not possible anymore to submit a new “Register” or “Transfer” action
    • The type of order (registration / transfer) is verified and must match the “Register” or “Transfer” action
    • No more error message if a domain name is in pending status. Check the admin notes for the error message
    • The “Get Epp code” action now displays the code on screen
    • New “Change EPP code” action. This action has the same behavior than “Get Epp code” in v2.X. Thus, a new EPP code is generated and sent to the client or the reseller by email
    • New “.XXX membership” support. It is now possible to save the membership number in order to activate the domain. (Only displayed for .XXX domains)
    • New DNSSec management. The Dnssec status is now displayed if the extension supports DNSSec. In addition, a new “Dnssec” action allows to enable / disable the feature if the domain name uses our nameservers.


PHP 5.6 / 7.+

Ioncube 10+

WHMCS 7+ / 8



  • Bug fix appeared in 8.0.3 about domain name synchronization job


PHP 5.6 / 7.+

Ioncube 10+

WHMCS 7+ / 8



  • Support of the new “TLD Import & Pricing Sync” feature
  • Fix of widget not loading in some versions of the PHP / Ioncube loader

NETIM TLD manager

  • Fix of the client groups issue. If client groups are defined, the update of the prices of extensions is now done only on the default group (all before the fix)
  • Fix of the display and the dynamic calculation of the margin when the base currency is not the Euro
  • Addition of the default margin application on the selected extensions. The initial update button becomes “Update with manual prices”
  • Addition of prices import from .CSV file


PHP 5.6 / 7.+

Ioncube 10+

WHMCS 7+ / 8



  • bug fix in contact management if contact details are defined in general settings


PHP 5.6 / 7.+

Ioncube 10+

WHMCS 7+ / 8



  • Bug fix in contact management if contact details are defined in general settings

  • Replacement of character ” by ‘ in profil information in order to conform API syntax

NETIM TLD manager

  • Bug fix in prices loading in NETIM_TLD_MANAGER


PHP 5.6 / 7.+

Ioncube 10+

WHMCS 7+ / 8


  • Minor bug fix on the synchronization scrypt

  • Support of additional domain informations concerning the change of contacts (.SE / .NU / EE)

NETIM TLD manager

  • Addition of the new setting “Minimum duration”

  • Dynamic modification of the margin calculation on active extensions

  • Margin below the default margin can be highlighted

  • Addition on the entry to display all extensions when adding an extension

  • Price updates only affects currently saved domain periods

  • Change of the concept of “default margin rate” to “default margin rate on sales price”


PHP 5.6 / 7.+

Ioncube 10+

WHMCS 7+ / 8


  • Review and compatibility test

This single version has been tested to work on all versions of PHP since 5.6

  • Delete function of a domain

The execution of the delete operation has been revised to properly handle the different situations impacting expiration date and status.

  • New addon “netim_tld_manager”

Following numerous requests, we are proud to provide a module addon allowing an effective management of the extensions. In particular:

– View the active extensions, the cost prices, the sale prices and make mass modifications

– Add extensions in 1 click

– Check the settings of the extensions vs the values accepted by NETIM

– View promotions

  • Full support of Latin character set for clients profile, domain holders and contacts information

All the accented characters from LATIN1 / LATIN-EXTA / LATIN-EXTB character sets.

Other character sets such as Cyrillic are still not supported.

  • Support of the “domain_sync” and “transfer_syc” functions

The synchronization of domains, in particular concerning expiration date and status, is now achieved by the internal synchronization feature in WHMCS as well as the synchronization of domain transfers.

The old netimsync.php synchronization script is no longer used.

On the other hand, the new netim_opesync.php script must be used to synchronize asynchronous operations such as pending registrations and pending renewals.

Bug fixes

  • Additional domain fields for .IE

The management of the registration process via the fastpass was incorrect.

  • IDN domain management

Registering an IDN domain made the registration of a different domain due to an IDN conversion error.