Update the price of a domain

					StructOperationResponse SecMarketSetPrice(string idSession, string plateform, string domain) 

Withdraw the sale of a domain from a given plateform.


  • idSession string (32)
    Session ID.
  • plateform string (255)
    The plateform where the sale must be updated (only “SEDO“ is available for now).
  • domain string (255)
    Domain name.
  • params array

    “price“: The selling price of the domain,

    “currency“: The currency of the sale


An Object of type StructOperationResponse

$clientSOAP = new SoapClient("http://URL.wsdl");
$params = array('price' => '1234', 'currency' => 'EUR'); 
      $idSession = $clientSOAP->sessionOpen("XX000", "XX000", "EN");      
      $StructOperationResponse = $clientSOAP->SecMarketSetPrice($idSession, "SEDO", "my-domain.com", $params);
catch(SoapFault $fault)
      echo "Exception : " .$fault->getMessage(). "\n";
if (isset($idSession))