Initialize SOA record

					StructOperationResponse domainZoneInitSoa(string idSession, string domain, int ttl, string ttlUnit, int refresh, string refreshUnit, int retry, string retryUnit, int expire, string expireUnit, int minimum, string minimumUnit) 

Set the SOA record of a domain name.


  • idSession string (32)
    Session ID.
  • domain string (255)
    Domain name.
  • ttl integer (11)
    Time to live.
  • ttlUnit string (1)
    TTL unit (S/M/H/D/W).
  • refresh integer (11)
    Refresh delay.
  • refreshUnit string (1)
    Refresh unit (S/M/H/D/W).
  • retry integer (11)
    Retry delay.
  • retryUnit string (1)
    Retry unit (S/M/H/D/W).
  • expire integer (11)
    Expire delay.
  • expireUnit string (1)
    Expire unit (S/M/H/D/W).
  • minimum integer (11)
    Minimum delay.
  • minimumUnit string (1)
    Minimum Unit (S/M/H/D/W).


S = Second
M = Minute
H = Hour
D = Day
W = Week

An Object of type StructOperationResponse

$clientSOAP = new SoapClient("http://URL.wsdl");
      $idSession = $clientSOAP->sessionOpen("XX000", "xxxxxxxx");
      $StructOperationResponse = $clientSOAP->domainZoneInitSoa($idSession, "", 3, "H", 3, "H", 2, "H", 1, "W", 1, "D");
catch(SoapFault $fault)
      echo "Exception : " .$fault->getMessage(). "\n";
if (isset($idSession))