

This object stores the result of a Get contact information.


  • idContact string (8)
    Contact ID.
  • firstName string (30)
    Firstname of the contact.
  • lastName string (30)
    Lastname of the contact.
  • bodyForm string (3)
    Contact type (“IND” for individual person, “ORG” for any kind of legal entities).
  • bodyName string (30)
    Organization name (if bodyform=ORG).
  • address1 string (80)
    Contact address.
  • address2 string (80)
    Additional contact address (Optional).
  • zipCode string (10)
    Postal code.
  • area string (5)
    Area/Province/State code (ISO 3166-2 / Optional)
  • city string (30)
  • country string (3)
    Country code (ISO 3166-1).
  • phone string (17)
    Phone number.
  • fax string (17)
    Fax number ( Optional).
  • email string (255)
    Email address.
  • language string (2)
    Language (FR / EN).
  • isOwner int (1)
    Is it an owner ? (0 / 1).
  • isLock int (1)
    Masked-whois ? (0 / 1).
  • version int (1)
    Major version of the API with which the contact was created (1 / 2).
  • isLinked int (1)
    Linked to a domain or service? (0 / 1).
  • additional array
    Additional data (Associative array of additional data).

Additional information

  • tmName string (30)
    Trademark name.
  • isLock int (1)
    Masked-whois ? (0 / 1).
  • tmNumber string (3)
    Trademark number.
  • tmType string (4)
    Trademark registry (“INPI” for a national one, “OHIM” for a european one , “WIPO” for an international one).
  • companyNumber string (255)
    Organization number.
  • vatNumber string (255)
    Organization VAT number (Only if the company is registered in E.U.).
  • birthDate string
    Date of birth (format YYYY-MM-DD).
  • birthZipCode string (10)
    Postal code of birth.
  • birthCity string (255)
    City of birth.
  • birthCountry string (3)
    Country code of birth (ISO 3166-1).
  • idNumber string (50)
    Personal ID number.
  • version int (1)
    Major version of the API with which the contact was created (1 / 2).
  • isLinked int (1)
    Linked to a domain or service? (0 / 1).
  • additional array
    Additional data (Associative array of additional data).

Linked functions