

This object stores a CSR information.

  • If a CSR has already been generated, it must be store in the CSR property of the object and each of the other properties must remain empty.
  • If the CSR has not been generated yet, the other properties must be filled and the CSR property must be empty. 


  • CSR string
    CSR (Certificate signing request) du certificat SSL (Optional).
  • Country string
    Country code (ISO 3166-1. Do not declare if CSR is provided).
  • City string
    City (Do not declare if CSR is provided).
  • Region string
    Region, Province, County (Do not declare if CSR is provided).
  • Organisation string
    Name of the organisation (Do not declare if CSR is provided).
  • Departement string
    Concerned department (Optional. Do not declare if CSR is provided).
  • EmailAddress string
    Email Address (Do not declare if CSR is provided).
  • CommonNames array
    An array containing the common names of the certificate (Do not declare if CSR is provided).
  • AlternativeNames array
    An array containing the alternative names of the certificate (This array can be empty. Do not declare if CSR is provided).