Create protection

					StructOperationResponse brandProtectionCreate(string idSession, string label, string prod, int duration, string idOwner, string type, array infos)

Create a new brand protection.


  • IDSession string (32)
    Session ID.
  • label string (256)
    Brand main label.
  • prod string (20)
    Brand protection product ID. (See Brand production products)
  • duration integer
    Period of validity in years
  • idOwner string (12)
    ID of the owner contact. (With “isOwner=1”)
  • type string (3)
    Brand’s type.
  • infos array
    Array of strings containing brand datas

An Object of type StructOperationResponse

  • idOwner must exist and belong the reseller.
  • idOwner must be a contact with isOwner=1
  • The type can take three different values :
    • SMD if your brand protection rely on a SMD file.
    • TM if your brand has a trademark.
    • ORG if your brand is an organization.
  • The array infos is required to be filled with the following values if the type is not SMD:
    • NAME for the trademark or brand name.
    • NUMBER for the trademark or brand number.
    • JURISDICTION for the trademark or brand registry.
$clientSOAP = new SoapClient("http://URL.wsdl");
$label1 = 'mysmd';
$label2 = 'mytrademark';

$prod1 = 'ADULTBLOCK';
$prod2 = 'ADULTBLOCK+';

$duration1 = 2;
$duration2 = 3;

$owner = 'IDOWN';

$type1 = 'SMD';
$type2 = 'TM';
$infos1 = array();

$infos2 = array();
$infos2['NAME'] = 'My Trademark';
$infos2['NUMBER'] = '123456789';
$infos2['JURISDICTION'] = 'Brand registry';
      $idSession = $clientSOAP->sessionOpen("XXXX", "XXXX", "EN");
      //Brand protection with a SMD
      $StructOperationResponse1 = $clientSOAP->brandProtectionCreate($idSession, $label1, $prod1, $duration1, $owner, $type1, $infos1);
      //Brand protection without a SMD
      $StructOperationResponse2 = $clientSOAP->brandProtectionCreate($idSession, $label2, $prod2, $duration2, $owner, $type2, $infos2);
catch(SoapFault $fault) 
      echo "Exception : " .$fault->getMessage(). "\n"; 