Initialize SOA record

					StructOperationResponse WebHostingZoneInitSoa(string $IDsession, string $domain, int $ttl, string $ttlUnit, int $refresh, string $refreshUnit, int $retry, string $retryUnit, int $expire, string $expireUnit, int $minimum, string $minimumUnit)

Set the SOA record of a DNS zone.


  • idSession string (32)
    Session ID.
  • domain string
    Domain name.
  • ttl integer (11)
    Time to live.
  • ttlUnit string (1)
    TTL unit (S/M/H/D/W).
  • refresh integer (11)
    Refresh delay.
  • refreshUnit string (1)
    Refresh unit (S/M/H/D/W).
  • retry integer (11)
    Retry delay.
  • retryUnit string (1)
    Retry unit (S/M/H/D/W).
  • expire integer (11)
    Expire delay.
  • expireUnit string (1)
    Expire unit (S/M/H/D/W).
  • minimum integer (11)
    Minnimum delay.
  • minimumUnit string (1)
    Minimum unit (S/M/H/D/W).


S = Second
M = Minute
H = Hour
D = Day
W = Week

An Object of type StructOperationResponse

$clientSOAP = new SoapClient("http://URL.wsdl");
    $idSession = $clientSOAP->sessionOpen("XXXX", "XXXX", "EN"); 
    $clientSOAP->WebHostingZoneInitSoa($idSession, "", 59, "M", 59, "M", 59, "M", 59, "M", 59, "M"); 
catch(SoapFault $fault) 
    echo "Exception : " .$fault->getMessage(). "\n"; 
if (isset($idSession)) 