Transfer domain

					StructOperationResponse domainTransferIn(string idSession, string domain, string authID, string idOwner, string idAdmin, string idTech, string idBilling, string ns1, string ns2, string ns3, string ns4, string ns5)


Request the transfer of a domain name to Netim.


  • idSession string (32)
    Session ID.
  • domain string (255)
    Domain name to be transferred.
  • authID string (64)
    Authorization code / EPP code (If applicable).
  • idOwner string (12)
    ID of the owner contact (Can be #AUTO# or a contact object with “isOwner=1”).
  • idAdmin string (12)
    ID of the administrative contact (With “isOwner=0”).
  • idTech string (12)
    ID of the technical contact (With “isOwner=0”).
  • idBilling string (12)
    ID of the billing contact (With “isOwner=0”).
  • ns1 string (255)
    Primary name server.
  • ns2 string (255)
    Secondary name server.
  • ns3 string (255)
    Secondary name server.
  • ns4 string (255)
    Secondary name server.
  • ns5 string (255)
    Secondary name server.

An Object of type StructOperationResponse

Contact IDs must exist and belong the reseller.

  • idOwner must be a contact with isOwner=1 or #AUTO# if retrieved from the registry
  • idAdmin, idTech, idBilling must be contacts with isOwner=0 or be defined with the reseller ID
  • According to the extension, allocation and semantic rules may apply. See relative information for the extension
  • The minimal number of nameservers must match the requirements of the extension.
  • A DNS test may be performed prior the registration. See structdomaintldinfo.HasZonecheck
$clientSOAP = new SoapClient("http://URL.wsdl");
      $idSession = $clientSOAP->sessionOpen("XXXX", "XXXX", "EN"); 
      $StructOperationResponse = $clientSOAP->domainTransferIn($idSession, "", "98smGTHfdsHnj", "#AUTO#", "IDADM", "IDTEC", "IDBIL", "", "", "", "", ""); 
catch(SoapFault $fault) 
      echo "Exception : " .$fault->getMessage(). "\n"; 