

This object stores the information of an extension / tld.


  • Tld string (255)
  • Country string
    Country name (for ccTlds)
  • Extensions array
    List of second level domain (an item consists of “type” => popular / functional / regional “tld” => second level domain)
  • PeriodCreate string
    Accepted durations for registration
  • PeriodRenew string
    Accepted durations for renewal
  • DelaiRenewBeforeExpiration int
    Renewal delay before expiration date.
  • DelaiRenewAfterExpiration int
    Renewal delay after expiration date (Renew grace period)
  • DelaiRestoreAfterDelete int
    Restore delay after deletion (Redemption grace period)
  • HasEppCode int (1)
    Does this tld support EPP code ?
  • HasRegistrarLock int (1)
    Does this tld support registrar lock feature ?
  • HasAutorenew int (1)
    Does this tld support autorenewal feature ?
  • HasWhoisPrivacy int (1)
    Does this tld support whois privacy feature ?
  • HasMultipleCheck int (1)
    Does the function domainCheck support several domains ?
  • HasImmediateDelete int (1)
    Does this tld support voluntary deletion ?
  • HasTrusteeService int (1)
    Does this tld support trustee service feature ?
  • HasLocalContactService int (1)
    Does this tld support local contact service feature ?
  • HasZonecheck int (1)
    Does this tld have a DNS test prior to delegation ?
  • HasDnsSec int (1)
    Does this tld support DNSSEC service feature ?
  • Informations string
    Additional informations.

Syntax for periods

A range is defined by – ( example “1 – 10” means “from 1 to 10 years”)

A defined value is defined by ; ( example “1;3;5”  means “1 or 3 or 5 years”)

Range and defined values can be combinated (example “1-5;10” means “1 to 5 years and 10 years”

Linked functions