Notifications to your account

In this tutorial, you will be able to choose the type of notifications you wish to receive from Netim and the email address to which they will be sent.

  • The results of your operations generated via the API
    Whether you explicitly use the API directly or implicitly via Netim Direct or modules, if one of your customers wants to take action on his domain (nameservers update, renewal …) the API will query the Registry in charge of the extension and, depending on the response from the Registry in question, a reply will be displayed.
    By checking this box, you will be notified by email each time an action is taken via our API.
  • Results of each operation in a batch
    When you perform a “batch” operation in your Netim Direct account, such as renewing, changing DNS servers or contacts, or enabling/disabling an option for multiple services at once, these actions will be visible in the “Batch operation center”.
    By enabling notifications for batch operations, you will also receive the results of your operations via email.
  • Your service’s due date notices
    When one of your services (domain name, hosting, etc.) expires, you will receive email notifications at different times: d-30, d-15, d-7, d-3 and d-0. Without any action on your part, the service will then be suspended.
    To avoid missing your renewal deadlines, consider activating the automatic renewal service.

To access it:

  1. Log in to your Netim Direct account
  2. Click on your name in the top-right corner of the screen, then select “Preferences
  3. In the “In the section” dropdown menu at the top-left of the screen, select “General”
  4. At the bottom of the screen, in the “Notifications to your account” section, enable the notifications you wish to receive
  5. If needed, you can update the email address for receiving notifications by clicking the orange pencil icon next to the email address
Notifications to your account
Update Notifications to your account