Register a domain name

Domain name availability search

Before registering a domain name, you have to check for its availability. Which means querying databases to make sure the domain name you set your eyes on can be registered.

To do this, go to our ‘Domain Name Registration’ page and run a search.

Classic search

Availability search
  • We know this first step doesn’t always have the expected results: the domain name with the extension you wanted may not be available.
  • That’s why we offer you a series of domain alternative solutions in our search results.

Bulk search

If you would like to look for and order multiple domains, you can use the bulk search feature and enter a list of domains.

  1. Under the search bar, click on ‘Bulk domain search’
  2. Enter the domains in the search bar (one entry per line).
Bulk domain search
Multiple search

Custom search

If you want to check the availability of several specific extensions, you can perform your search on a selection of extensions.

  1. Below the search bar, click on “My extensions selection”
  2. Search for and select the desired extensions
Custom search by extensions

Completing the domain name order

Once the domain name has been selected, you can add it to your cart. Other services can also be added directly to your cart: hosting plans, SSL certificates, etc.

If you don’t need to add any other services to your order, you can click on “View cart” and follow the required steps to complete your order.
