How can I change my email password?

From your Netim Direct account

To change your email password, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Netim Direct account
  2. Click on the “Emails” menu and then on “My emails” 
  3. A table is displayed with a list of your domain names. Click on the domain for which you wish to change the password of an email address
  4. A list of your email addresses will appear on your screen. Click on the orange pen of the email address for which you want to change the password
  5. Click on the orange pen icon on the right of your password and enter a new password
  6. Click on “Confirm”
Edit my email password from my email list
Edit my email password
Confirm my email password update

From Roundcube webmail

  1. Log in to Roundcube webmail
  2. On the right-hand menu, click on the “Settings” spanner icon
  3. In the “Account” section, click on “Change password” and enter your current and new passwords
  4. Click on “Save”
Settings of my webmail
Update password on Roundcube

What should I do if I lose my password?

If you lose your password, simply reset it from your Netim Direct account.