Add/Remove a payment method

How to add a payment method? (Credit card or PayPal)

Follow this steps to add a payment method to your account:

  1. Log into your Netim Direct account
  2. Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
  3. Select “Payment methods
  4. Click on “Add a payment method”

You can then choose the payment method you would like to add to your account and fill out the required fields.

Add a payment method

How to change the status of your payment method?

You can disable your payment options at any moment. Once disabled, payment methods can’t be used to pay for orders or carry out automatic payments.

Go to the “Status” column and click the toggle button to enabled or disable your payment method.

Payment method status

How to remove a payment method from your account?

Go to Netim Direct and open the “Payment methods” window. You can then click on the recycle bin icon in the “Status” column to delete your way of payment.
Remove a payment method

How to add a description to your payment methods?

It’s possible to attach notes or add holder details to your payment methods. Both types of information are only indications and can be used to tell your payment methods apart. As to how you can do so: go to the “Payment methods” section in your Netim Direct account. Then, click the pen icon in the “Action” column to add a description and/or holder info.
Add a description to a payment method

How to manage the payment methods priority order?

The order of priority defines the order in which your payment options will be used to carry out automatic payments (auto-renewals and auto top-ups).

The priority level is indicated by a number: the lower the number, the higher the priority level. We will attempt to charge the number 1 payment method first.

If the first payment option on the list isn’t available, we will attempt to charge the second payment method on the list, and so on.

To change the priority order of a payment method, use the “drag and drop” system. Click on the icon located to the right of the priority number, then, while holding down the mouse button, move the row to the desired priority. Release the click to confirm the new row placement.

Manage the order of priority of payment methods