Create an email address

In order to create an email address from Netim Direct, you can use:

  • the Domains name section
  • the Emails section

From the email tab

  1. Log in to your Netim Direct account
  2. Click on the “Emails” menu and then on “My emails” 
  3. Then click on “Create an email address”
  4. In the window that opens “Create a redirect or an email address”, select the domain name to which you wish to associate an email address
  5. Then click on “Email address” and enter the email address and a password of your choice
  6. Click on “Add”
create an email address

From the domain tab

  1. Log in to your Netim Direct account
  2. Click on the “Domains” menu and then on “My domains
  3.  Then select the domain name to which you wish to associate an email address
  4. At the bottom of your domain’s dashboard in the “My domain name configuration” section click on “Emails”
  5. You will be redirected to the “Email” part of the menu and will be able to follow the same procedure as indicated in the previous section: create an email address form the email tab
My domain name configuration

Where to find your newly created/existing email addresses?

If you have already created email addresses, you can display them il a list by clicking on the “My emails” section, in this menu click on the specific domain name you need to manage and the address list will appear.

By clicking on one of these domains you will discover a summary of the email addresses, redirections and catch-alls linked to it. 

You will also have the possibility to add one by clicking on the button “Add an email address”.